Part Numbers
Part Numbers Records
Create, organize, and manage Part Numbers within Calibration Control (our Calibration Management Software). Link together records of Part Numbers related to records of Equipment, Calibrations, Work Orders, Supplier and Manufacturer Companies, etc.
Part Numbers Grid
From the Data Grids tab of the ribbon menu, select Part Numbers to view the grid of all Part Numbers records.

Edit Part Number Dialog

General tab
Use the General tab to organize all information related to part numbers.
- Part Number: Unique number assigned to the part record.
- Part Name: The name of the part record.
- Description: A physical description of the part.
- Category: The category that a part is assigned to. These Category Codes must be pre-created in the Codes table in order to be selectable from the drop-down lists (combo-boxes).
- Standard Cost: The standard cost of the part.
- List Price: The listing price of the part.
- Discontinued: If the part has been discontinued, select an appropriate date.
- Taxable & Active Checkboxes: Check the corresponding box if a part is taxable or active. Leave the boxes unchecked if it is not.
- Notes: Add any notes related to the part number.
Inventory Tab
The Inventory tab (previously named Sources) provides fields to manage the top 3 suppliers that your company uses to purchase specific parts and their specific part numbers. It also includes a drop-down to choose their Manufacturer and record how to find those part numbers.
Choose a value for Shelf Life, and up to three Stock Locations, Reoder and Target Levels, and a Minumum Reorder Quantity.
Designate a 'Supplier' by navigating to the Companies and selecting the Supplier Type.

Part Numbers Tab
Link other part numbers together in this record.

Equipment & Calibrations Tab
This tab contains panel grids used to link Equipment and Calibrations to a Part Number record. Use the buttons at the bottom of the dialog to link, edit, and unlink records. Click and drag on the middle gray bar to resize the panel grids.

Work Orders Tab
Link or unlink existing Work Orders related to this Part Number record, or create a new WO directly from here. Click on the green [+] icon to create a new record. Refer to the Work Orders help page for more management tips.
Custom Tab
Custom fields are available in this tab. Visit the Change Field Names help topic to learn how to customize this tab for your company's needs.
Meta Data
Meta: Every dialog contains a Meta tab. This is a READ-ONLY information tab used as a reference to view which user created the record and which user was the last to edit it.Last Updated: 22 May 2023